Monday, October 12, 2009

Great Worldwide Star Count

Great Worldwide Star Count
Great Worldwide Star Count 2

This is a world wide event, having family and friends get together and gaze at the stars and find constellations and report what they see online. This encourages people to learn more about astronomy.

People all over the world are going outside to count the stars now becuase there is light pollution from all the artificial light we use. Others do it for the fun and the gorgeous view. Majority of people do this count to record their local light pollution in their area.

A great constellation we could use during this count would be Cygnus pr the swan, since we live in the Northern Hemisphere. We would use this constellation because its easier to find.

The Latitude and longitude of were I live is
Latitude: 42.44862
Longitude: -82.87831

Many people should particpate in the Worldwide Star Count to learn and to have fun!

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