Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mercury Messenger


We care about studying Mercury because it could have valuable resources or natural gases or even gold. There maybe something on Mercury that we need or could use to help us on earth. Scientists hope to learn the operations they need to perform on the MESSENGER spacecraft. They also hope to learn why Mercury shrunk. In recent studies scientists have agreed that Mercury has shrunken. Over many years, astronomers have figured out that under Mercury’s rocky surface has a thick layer or “mantle” which is hot liquid material,or molten rock. For a long time, scientists were pretty sure that since Mercury is so small it should have cooled down way too fast for it to have a molten mantle.

Article Title: Whats Hot about Mercury?

Author: Skyguy

Date: October 13th 2008.

< This is a picture of Mercury's Northern Horizon.

I think the U.S shouldn't spend any money for traveling in space. I think it is ridiculous. We should use the money for people who are starving. Or to help find the cure for cancer, and even to help with a torn economy. We shouldn't even study any other planets because it is a huge waste of money when we could be using the money for other things to help make our world a better place.

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