Saturday, June 5, 2010

Geological Time.

website 2

1. The Era known as the age of the dinosaurs was the mesozoic era.
2. The carboniferous period.
3. The ordovician period.
4. The holocene epoch.
5. The permian extinction.
6.The Pleistone period.
7. era, period, epoch

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Florida's Sinkholes.

1. Common in limestone regions sinkholes are usually formed by the dissolving of groundwater or the seeping of above ground streams into the limestone. Causing cracks or fractures in subterranean rock. The collapse of cave roofs can also cause large sinkholes.

2. it is the result of water main and storm pipes that have been separated or broken irrigations systems.

3. They start to get more unstable, get bigger, and more form.

4. The sinkhole could have harmful waste in it.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Nashville Floods.

1. What caused the flooding was the rising of the Cumberland River, overflowing from two days of drenching thunderstorms.
2. The Cumberland River was 5o feet above what it normally is.
3. Nashvilles water treatment plants were submerged under water. So pumping water didn't work. They had people lower the consumption of water...and it didn't work either.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Oil Disaster in the Gulf.

1. It caught fire and exploded.
2. The coast of New Orleans and the coast of The Gulf Of Mexico.
3. It kills the animals, pollution, and causes fires.
4.Bigger than football feilds.
5. They are trying to put a big dome over it to stop it from leaking and going onto the shore. No success because it is crystalizing.

Monday, May 3, 2010



Grosse Pointe North should not raise money to to install a Windspire because we are all still trying to raise money for the Drama and Sports programs. It costs lots of money and takes alot of time and help from other people to get this set up.

Some neighbors might react in a negative way. They may complain that it's getting in the way or that it is too much money and it annoys them. Other neighbors might actually like it and think it is a good idea.

Windspires would help with the needs of our house because we use lots of electricity and with the windspire it will lower the bill a little and be better for the environment.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Kenbecott or Not?

opposed to mine:
1. AMD is Acid Mine Drainage. It is caused from creating a brew of toxic heavy metals.
2. There are concerns on how it is effecting the environment, the economy, and the community.

3.before building a new water-treatment plant to meet the state and federal water discharge quality standards. Humboldt’s millworks will be upgraded or replaced.
4. It will bring full time jobs with good wages, to help the economy.

5. They will use the sub-aqueous disposal method. It permanently places tailings underwater so it prevents oxidation and harms animals or causes an other environmental issues.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Iceland Volcano.


1. The plate tectonics could have caused a small earthquake and shook the volcano causing it to erupt.

2. Because it is all ash and you can't fly a plane through the ash. It messes up the engine.

3. The air is all polluted and ashy.

4. Because of the distance between the effected area, and the united states is far.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Minerals in daily life.


1. Fluorite:
It is used in our toothpastes. I use toothpaste twice a day to brush my teeth.
2. Graphite:
This is used for the lead in pencils and is used for lubricant for machinery. I use it for lead in pencils to write in school everyday...otherwise we would be using feathers and ink.
3. Halite:
This mineral is used to preserve food and for food seasonings. We all like to have a little taste in our food! We all eat everyday!
4. Quartz:
This mineral is used for many things but the one many people use it for, including me is for soap. We all shower and use soap everyday!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Michigan Minerals.

Mineral Information

1. Gypsum, common mineral consisting of hydrated calcium sulfate (CaSO4·2H2O)
2. Gypsum is used for wallboards and plaster products

2. Quartz can be used for an inexpensive but attractive gemstone!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Metamorphic Rocks.

Metamorphic rocks:)

: Slate is a foliated metamorphic rock that is formed through the metamorphism of shale. It is a low grade metamorphic rock that splits into thin and tiny pieces.
common use: roofing slate...for roofing.

Marble: Marble is a non-foliated metamorphic rock that is produced from the metamorphism of limestone. It is composed of calcium carbonate.
common use: counter tops or carvings and sculptures

Quartzite: Quartzite is a non-foliated metamorphic rock that is produced by the metamorphism of sandstone. It is composed of quartz.
common use: flooring or even in fire places or walling.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Igneous Rocks.


Granite: This Igneous rock can be used to make counter tops it is a building stone. It is intrusive and is a felsic type of rock.
Basalt: Basalt is an extrusive igneous rock. Crushed basalt is used for railroad ballast.
Gypsum:Processed gypsum is used in industrial or building plaster, prefabricated wallboard, cement manufacture, and for agriculture.
Graphite:Graphite is the crystal form of carbon. It is used as a dry lubricant and steel hardener and for brake linings and the production of "lead" in pencils.
Copper:Copper is used in electric cables and wires, switches, plumbing; heating, electrical, and roofing materials; electronic components; industrial machinery and equipment; transportation; consumer and general products; coins; and jewelry.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Canadas Wind Farms.


it will help our environment
we will have green energy. it will be better for our air.

its very expensive
it affects shoreline property values.
turbines aren't exactly a good view.

My opinion is that Canada should go through with this because it is helping us with the environment. It may cost a ton of money but there helping us too. The view and the fishing business is not really that big of a deal because we can import seafood and fish from other places or buy it at the grocery store. People can get used to the view too. We need clean air to live and to have nature as well.

We could protest against this. We can even talk to Canada about the cause and effects of installing turbines. We could convince them to wait a while and see what happens first as well.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ring of Fire

Is there also a relationship between the plate boundaries of Earth and volcanoes? Yes there is. Were some volcanoes are on the map there are some earthquakes too. For example there are earthquakes and volcanoes all along the west coast on the whole North American continent.

Aleutian Islands: Ocean-continent convergent boundary
Cascades Volcanoes:Continent-continent convergent boundary
San Andreas Fault Zone:Ocean-continent convergent boundary

Monday, February 22, 2010

Plate Tectonics

When Pangea was last formed as one conitnent it was about 235 million years ago.

Continental Breakup by Mantle Plumes:
This rift occured about 1.1 billion years ago.
The lava turned into a rock called basalt.

Cambrian era:
The late Cambrian about 425 million years ago.

Future World:
The major mountain range which is now in North Africa is The Medditerranean Mountain Range.
The two continents that North America will join are South America and Africa!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


There have been 8 earthquakes that happened today February 2nd, 2010 that have happened around the world. The most recent earthquake was on the California Border. The older earthquakes have happened more on the west cost off of california and oregon.

All of the earthquakes that happen in South America usually happen all over the west coast. As you go more into South America the depth gets greater.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The worst Tornado in US History was The Great Ti-State Tornado of 1925. This tornado destroyed everything! Bark was stripped of trees, houses were picked up and swept away, along with cars! The ground was torn up and trees were on the ground! There was 652 deaths and 2000 were injured. At that time the total damage that was done was about 16.5 million which in todays economy would have been about 2 million dollars.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


mammatus clouds: a cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud. its nicknamed the breast cloud.

lenticular cloud: these are clouds that form around hills and mountains.

roll cloud: roll clouds form on near advancing cold fronts

noctilucent cloud: Noctilucent clouds can form only under very restricted conditions. Noctilucent clouds are made of tiny crystals of water ice, higher than any other clouds in Earth's atmosphere. Clouds in the Earth's lower atmosphere form when water collects on particles, but other clouds may form directly from water vapor.

my favorite was the lenticular cloud because it looked so pretty around the hill or mountain.